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STEAM Newsletter Vol. 31

STEAM Newsletter – Saturday, July 1, 2023

Summer Learning Opportunities

As the summer moves to warmer days, we hope you take advantage of opportunities to enhance your skills and spark interest in STEAM domains. We encourage you to explore summer learning opportunities for educators as well as students through summer camps that may be offered in your region. Examples of summer camps are listed in the May DoIT STEAM Newsletter and include experiences such as CS PD Week which is scheduled July 17-21, 2023 at Bloomington Junior High School.

The link below showcases an informative video for the Southeastern Illinois P-16+ Computational Thinking Network Grant Program. This program focused on building connections, providing professional development resources and opportunities, and assisting teachers in developing pilot classrooms for computational thinking and problem-solving. The DoIT Illini Science Policy Scholar, Yu Tian, created this video to help showcase this creative program. The collaboration for the project included funding from the Illinois Innovation Network; coordination from higher education partners Eastern Illinois University, University of Illinois, and Lakeland College; and, innovation from the six participating pilot classroom teachers from the Southeastern region (Brownstown, Charleston, Effingham, Mattoon, Neoga, and Paris). We hope this video ignites interest in creating new innovative and collaborative learning opportunities.

Let off some STEAM with these fun activities!

Grade 9 - 12

Recent News on STEAM

"The nutritional benefits of eating fish during pregnancy appear to outweigh the potential harms of mercury contamination, Emily Oken, M.D., explained during her May 8 NIEHS Keystone Science Lecture. Conflicting messages around fish consumption, however, have prompted many pregnant women to eat less than the recommended servings needed to support healthy brain development."

"In this long exposure photo from June 5, 2023, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket creates a beam of light as it launches from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The 28th commercial resupply mission of the Cargo Dragon spacecraft brought new science investigations, food, supplies, and equipment to the International Space Station, including IROSAs (International Space Station Roll Out Solar Arrays) that will help provide a 30% increase in power for space station research and operations once installed."

Image Credit: NASA/Frank Michaux

Upcoming Events

Sat. July 1 | 8 am - Sun. August 6 | 5 pm | Online

AI for Educators Book Study (Section 2) - 6 PD Hours

"This 4-week summer book study will provide educators an opportunity to examine some of the ideas explored in this book and discuss ways strategies for adapting K-12 classroom to meet the imperatives of AI-supported education."

Sat. July 1 - Sat. July 15 | Ohio

NASA | PC-12 Flights

"Have you signed up for the NASA Aeronautics Flight Log Experience? This month, your name can ride along on a high-flying adventure as NASA’s PC-12 aircraft conducts test flights at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio."

Sat. July 8 | 9 am - 11 am | Online

Growing Community: The Summer Doldrums

9:00 AM -10:00 AM: Young gardeners (5-12) 
"We will work with kids and adults to define and assign the tasks that all gardens must have during the summer to make sure the plants thrive and are productive."

10:00 AM- 11:00 AM: Adult gardeners
"The garden team will discuss the importance of summer soil work and have a larger discussion on organic additives that help plants thrive in the hottest of summers."

"Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in hands-on activities and interactive discussions, allowing them to apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a better understanding of how AI and ChatGPT(3) can be used to enhance teaching and learning and will be equipped with the skills needed to integrate these tools into their own classrooms."

Fri. July 14 | 6 pm - Sat. July 15 | 9 am | Museum of Science+Industry Chicago

Science Snoozeum

"Stay overnight in the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago! Enjoy a rare chance to explore the Museum after everyone else has gone home."

"Join us for a reading of Space Spinners by Suse MacDonald and learn about a real science experiment with spiders that was conducted aboard SkyLab 50 years ago. Try a few experiments at home that were conducted on the first American science laboratory in space."

Mon. July 17 | 8 am - Fri. July 21 | 4:30 pm | Bloomington JH School CS Principles Summer Workshop - 35 PD Hours

"This multi-day workshop will introduce educators to the CS Principles curriculum and demonstrate how it can be utilized to fulfill new and emerging CS education requirements. Participants will walk away with a plethora of resources for making CS learning engaging for all learners, as well as the skills and confidence needed to be an effective CS educator."

Mon. July 17 | 8 am - Fri. July 21 | 4:30 pm | Bloomington JH School CS Discoveries Summer Workshop - 35 PD Hours

"‘s Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory computer science curriculum geared toward grade 6-10 students of all skill levels. Mapped to CTSA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem-solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, animations, games, and physical computing systems."

Mon. July 17 | 8 am - Thu. July 20 | 5 pm | Bloomington JH School

CS PD Week - 35 PD Hours

“CS PD Week is a new initiative of the Learning Technology Center in partnership with Bloomington-Normal STEM, CS4IL, and Discovery Partners Institute. During CS PD Week, new and experienced CS educators will engage with current CS curriculum, build community, and learn strategies for expanding access to high-quality, rigorous, and inclusive computer science learning.” CS PD Week will also provide scholarship opportunities

Tue. July 18 - Thu. July 20 | Online

2023 National Education Summit

"Our Summit includes four distinct tracks: 'Life on a Sustainable Planet,' 'STEAM Education,' 'Reckoning with Our Racial Past,' and 'An Integrated Arts Education.' Each track features a series of free online webinars led by museum experts and teacher practitioners, as well as in-person skill-building workshops and deep-dive discussions at the Smithsonian."

"Learn more about these remarkable tools at the next STEM Café with NIU Associate Professor of Engineering Sachit Butail and Bob Myers, owner and operator of Hawk Aerial Imagery. They’ll talk about different types of drones (with a focus particularly on aerial drones), their various uses, and the process of operating and repairing drones."

Mon. July 24 - Fri. July 28 | Online

Digital Agriculture Summer Course

"Together with students from around the world, you will have an opportunity to study with the University of Illinois faculty and experts in Digital Agriculture and related STEM disciplines. We encourage participation from high school students in the 10th grade or above, community college, and university students who can demonstrate a basic knowledge of STEM concepts."

"CS Fundamentals is an introductory workshop designed for elementary educators new to teaching computer science who want to explore how to begin teaching‘s CS Fundamentals curriculum. Over 85,000 teachers have participated in this original workshop already, allowing their schools to grow their in-district capacity for teaching robust CS courses!"

Wed. July 26 | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

STEM Career Exploration and Symposium

“High school and community college STEM students and educators (including teachers, faculty, staff, and administrators) are invited to participate in the STEM Career Exploration and Symposium at the Illini Union on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign on July 26, 2023. This one-day face-to-face event is designed to provide early-stage STEM students and their educators with the opportunity to learn more about careers in STEM and the role of undergraduate research in preparing students for these careers. The full-day program includes oral and poster presentations by current undergraduate researchers from across a wide range of STEM disciplines. These presentations, along with a panel with alumni from various research programs, will showcase the wide array of opportunities available to STEM students and will allow for students and educators to learn more about how to find and apply for these opportunities, as well as the impact of these opportunities on STEM career development. The program also includes an industry partner and professional organization fair where participants can connect with a variety of STEM employers and STEM professional organizations to learn more about possible careers in STEM and supports for STEM professionals from diverse communities. 

This is an all-day in-person event with meals provided. Transportation is not provided, but otherwise, there are no costs to attendants thanks to support from the National Science Foundation. Limited free parking is available for this event. Any large groups planning on bringing a bus or van should write to Britt Carlson at by July 10 at 9am.

This is an approved ISBE PDH event for teachers.

Please register for the STEM Career Exploration and Symposium. For groups, please complete a registration form for each individual in the group to ensure a correct food and attendance count.

Register by 9 am on Monday, July 10th for the STEM Career Exploration and Symposium."

Mon. July 31 | 10:59 pm | DEADLINE

Back-to-School Lesson Plan Competition

"Teachers! This summer, ORISE wants to see your best back-to-school STEM lesson plans. Teachers of any grade level or subject are invited to submit a STEM lesson plan that includes back-to-school activities. THREE teachers who submit lesson plans will be selected to receive mini-grants up to $1,500 to help buy equipment for their classroom!"

Educator's Corner

STEAM resources for in-person, hybrid, remote learning, and professional development

STEAM Resources Spotlight

"The Illinois Student Invention Convention is a free invention education curriculum and competition that is now available to K-8th grade classrooms across the state. For the past 11 years, the program has operated as the Chicago Student Invention Convention but as of School Year 2023-2024, their resources are available to educators across the state. To learn how to bring invention education to your classroom, register on their website to attend a summer or fall training session. There are both in-person and virtual options available. All attending educators will receive PDHs towards their licensure. Register today!"

IN-PERSON Educator Orientation Sessions

Near Peoria

Tue., July 25, 2023

9 AM – 3 PM

Heritage Square

Near Chicago

Wed., August 2, 2023

10 AM – 4 PM

Homewood Science Center

Near Springfield

Wed., August 9, 2023

10 AM – 4 PM

Pleasant Plains Middle School

VIRTUAL Educator Orientation Sessions

Tue., August 31 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Thu., September 14 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Tue., September 26 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Thu., September 7 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Tue., September 19 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Tue., October 3 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

"The NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) management team is recruiting qualified peer reviewers external to NASA to review NASA TEAM II proposals. Please submit your qualifications via this data collection form."

"In our mission to support STEM workforce development and education, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education provides teachers and students with supplemental resources for at home and in the classroom. Educators who teach K-12 grades have access to our library of hands-on, STEM lesson plans for all ages, and can share their own, original K-12 STEM lesson plans through ORISE lesson plan competitions."

"Getty Education supports K–12 teachers and students through field trips to explore our Museum collection in addition to rich program offerings throughout the year. We also provide professional development opportunities for educators to help connect students with art, and learning resources to enrich the classroom curriculum."

The 'A' in STEAM

"Arts foster scientific success" -Dr. Temple Grandin

This series is dedicated to showing how art and creativity play a crucial role in our society within the STEM fields.

"Each year, students in Pre-K through Grade 12 are invited to create and submit original works of art in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. Based on State PTA rules and guidelines, these works of art may be submitted for state and national level awards and recognition opportunities.

2022-2023 National PTA Reflections Outstanding Interpretation Awardees

These seven students achieved the Award of Outstanding Interpretation, which is given to the student artworks that achieved the highest scores for interpretation of theme. Join us in congratulating: 

  • Alice Grieve: Visual Arts: 'Paved the Way'
  • Juliet Auten: Music Composition: 'Listen'  
  • Minka Van Berkel: Literature: 'The Girl Who Was Loud Even Though She Didn't Speak'
  • Nia McKnight: Dance Choreography: 'Where Did the Night Go?'
  • Sarina Policastro: Film Production: 'Amira's Letters'
  • Sebastian Tulin: Photography: 'The Runner Triumphant'
  • Megan Lambert: Visual Arts-Special Artist Division: 'Hear Me Roar'"

Please submit STEAM ideas, comments, or questions using our contact us form.

Any links being provided are for educational purpose use only; they do not constitute an endorsement, approval, affiliation, sponsorship, or partnership by the State of Illinois, Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) of any products, services or opinions of any of the linked entities. The State of Illinois bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. The State of Illinois reserves the right to add or remove the links provided at any time without notice in its sole discretion and shall not be obliged to give a reason for doing so.
