Verizon Service Rates
Verizon Wireless Frontline Plans
Public Safety Unlimited Plans
Frontline Basic Device Plan
Public Safety Unlimited for Basic Devices - $25.50
Coverage Includes the Verizon 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE Network. Includes unlimited voice minutes and messaging allowance. Plan includes 100 MB of data. Overages bill at $11.00 p/GB.
Optional features:
- Push-T-Talk Plus - $2.25
Frontline Smartphone Plan
Custom Public Safety/First Responder Plan with Priority and Preemption - $42.50
Coverage includes Verizon Wireless 5G Ultra-Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited minutes in US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. Includes unlimited data allowance in US, Canada and Mexico. Includes 1MB of international travel data allowance for the Rest of World and then bills $11.00 per each 5GB of international usage. International travel voice rate is $0.22 p/minute for the Rest of World. Includes unlimited domestic and international messaging allowance. Data usage on this plan is not subject to speed reductions within a given billing cycles, however, if data usage exceeds 25 GB each billing cycles for three consecutive billing cycles, speeds will automatically be reduced to 600 kbps for data usage exceeding 25 GB per billing cycles on a go-forward basis.
Optional features:
- Push-T-Talk Plus - $0.00
- Mobile Hotspot - $3.50
Frontline Data Device Plans
Public Safety Unlimited for Data Only Devices - $39.75
Coverage includes 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data allowance. Plan is compatible with Jetpacks, tablets, and routers.
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Laptop Plan
With Priority and Preemption for Public Safety - $22.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Mobile hotspot is not available on this plan. Data usage on this plan is not subject to speed reductions within a given billing cycles, however, if data usage exceeds 35 GB each billing cycles for three consecutive billing cycles, speeds will automatically be reduced to 600 kbps for data usage exceeding 35 GB per billing cycles on a go-forward basis.
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Tablet Plan
With Priority and Preemption for Public Safety - $22.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Mobile hotspot is not available on this plan. Data usage on this plan is not subject to speed reductions within a given billing cycles, however, if data usage exceeds 35GB each billing cycles for three consecutive billing cycles, speeds will automatically be reduced to 600 kbps for data usage exceeding 35 GB per billing cycles on a go-forward basis.
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Jetpack/MiFi Plan
With Priority and Preemption for Public Safety - $44.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Data usage on this plan is not subject to speed reductions within a given billing cycles, however, if data usage exceeds 35GB each billing cycles for three consecutive billing cycles, speeds will automatically be reduced to 600 kbps for data usage exceeding 35 GB per billing cycles on a go-forward basis.
Frontline Data Device Plans for First Responders
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Laptop Plan
With Priority and Preemption for First Responders - $22.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Mobile hotspot is not available on this plan. Plan is available to qualifying First Responder agencies.
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Tablet Plan
With Priority and Preemption for First Responders - $22.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Mobile hotspot is not available on this plan. Plan is available to qualifying First Responder agencies.
5G Ultra Wideband Unlimited Jetpack/MiFi Plan
With Priority and Preemption for First Responders - $44.00
Coverage includes 5G Ultra Wideband network, 5G Nationwide network and 4G LTE network. Includes unlimited domestic data. Plan is available to qualifying First Responder agencies.
Verizon Wireless Plans
Basic Device and Smartphone Plan
Nationwide Flat Rate
Plan includes unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling and nights & weekends. Billable usage is charged per minute. This plan is recommended for basic device users under 175 minutes in a billing cycle or for Smartphone users under 100 minutes in a billing cycle. Data block is automatically placed on all basic device lines. Smartphone lines using this plan require a data feature. Smartphone data will throttle when usage reaches 25 GB in a billing cycle.
- Nationwide Flat Rate $6.00
- Per Minute Usage Charge $0.11
- Smartphone Data Feature $26.25
International Travel
Nationwide 400 Share with Global Data Plan for Smartphones
Domestic minutes are shared with all lines on this plan on the State of Illinois account. Plan includes unlimited domestic mobile to mobile calling, night & weekends and unlimited texts. Roaming rates apply to minutes and texts while traveling outside of the United States. Rates vary depending on location. Please contact DoIT wireless provisioning for rates. Global smartphone data will throttle when usage reaches 25 GB in a billing cycle. Hotspot feature is not available to add to global plans.
- Nationwide 400 Share with Global Data $78.50
4G Global Data Feature for Smartphones
This feature can be added to NW Flat Rate plan. Roaming rates apply to minutes and texts while traveling outside of the United States. Rates vary depending on location. Please contact DoIT wireless provisioning for rates. Global smartphone data will throttle when usage reaches 25 GB in a billing cycle. Hotspot feature is not available to add to global data feature.
- 4G Global Data Feature for Smartphones $56.50
100 MB Global Data for Mobile Broadband Devices
This feature can be added to the domestic Mobile Broadband Plan. Feature will bill in increments of 100MB based on data usage.
- 100 B Global Data for Mobile Braodband Devices $27.50
Machine-to-Machine Plans
Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
Data is shared between lines on the same State of Illinois account. Each tier is a separate share group. Data overages will apply should all shared data be depleted.
Tier 1
- M2M - 1 MB $5.50
- M2M - 5 MB $7.50
- M2M - 25 MB $11.00
- M2M - 50 MB $16.50
- M2M - 150 MB $20.00
- Data Overage Charge Per MB $1.10
- Tier 2
- M2M - 250 MB $22.50
- M2M - 1 GB $27.50
- M2M - 5 GB $43.50
- M2M - 10 MB $69.75
- Data Overage Charge Per MB $0.02
- Data Overage Charge Per GB $22.50
Tier 3
- M2M - 20 GB $110.00
- Data Overage Charge Per GB $9.00
Miscellaneous Plans/Features
- Voice Mail $0.00
- Visual Voice Mail for iPhone $0.00
- Text 100 $1.25
- Text 300 $2.25
- Text 1000 $11.00
- Text Unlimited $13.25
- Text - Pay Per use p/text (Incoming) $0.02
- Text - Pay Per Use p/text (Outgoing) $0.11
- Smartphone Data (Throttles at 25 GB) $26.25
- Smartphone Data Only Plan (Throttles at 25 GB) $39.75
- Hotspot $11.00
- Hotspot for Public Safety Unlimited Plan for Smartphone $5.50
- FFM Limited for Basic Device $22.00
- FFM Basic for Basic Device $26.00
- FFM Premium for Basic Device $43.50
- FFM Limited for Smartphone $16.50
- FFM Basic for Smartphone $22.00
- FFM Premium for Smartphone $26.00
- PTT+ for Share Plan/Unlimited Plan $5.50
- PTT+ for Flat Rate Plan $11.00
- PTT+ Only Plan $16.50
- Wireless Priority Service $0.00
- Mobile Device Management 2.00
* Bills based on usage data from vendor, may round up to whole units